Photography and memorabilia for graduation

To help you remember your special day, every AUT graduation ceremony is videoed and photographs are taken of every graduate as they cross the stage.  After the ceremony you can order copies of these, and you can also purchase other graduation-related memorabilia.

Photos of graduation

Order photos from your ceremony

Professional photos are taken as each graduate crosses the stage. Photos and frames are available to buy 2 to 3 days after the graduation ceremony from the Shot360 website.

Book a photo session

On graduation day, Shot360 will also be available at their display stand in the foyer for photo sessions. You can book your photo in advance.

Book photos now

Videos of graduation

Professionally produced DVDs and video clips of the ceremony are sold on graduation day or online.

Captures Video Productions website


To buy flowers for your graduation day, you can:

  • Order flowers online and pick them up at the venue at graduation
  • Buy them at the graduation venue – choose from a range of bouquets

IMAX Florist website

Graduation memorabilia

You can buy graduation memorabilia either online or at the venue on the day of your graduation.

Buy online or at the AUT Shop

  • Official AUT graduation bears and branded merchandise – profits go to the AUT Foundation’s Endowment Scholarship Fund

AUT Shop website

Order online before graduation

  • Official AUT graduation ring

Honour rings website

Dressing for graduation

Make sure you wear the correct academic dress – check what you should wear at graduation and where to get it.

What to wear at graduation

Graduated? Connect with other AUT alumni

When you graduate, you immediately become part of AUT’s community of global alumni. Check out our alumni section for ways to keep in touch.