Student discount on public transport: tertiary concession

An AT HOP tertiary concession gives eligible students discounted travel using an AT (Auckland Transport) HOP card on public transport around Auckland.

Find out if you're eligible for a tertiary concession, how to apply for one and where to go to find out more.

Tertiary concession overview

The tertiary concession provides discounted travel on an AT (Auckland Transport) HOP card for eligible full-time tertiary students to use public transport in the Auckland region. Auckland Transport is responsible for setting the concession and fares. AUT works in partnership with them to confirm students’ eligibility for the concession.

Discount on bus, train and ferry fares

An AT HOP tertiary concession gives you significant discounts off bus, train and ferry fares, especially if you travel during off-peak times.

Fares for full-time tertiary students on Auckland Transport websi​​te​

Eligibility for a tertiary concession

  • You must be enrolled as a full-time student to be eligible for a tertiary concession discount. AUT will confirm your enrolment directly with AT to enable your concession to be loaded
  • Eligibility is determined based on the course(s) you’re enrolled in. If you change a course at any time, AUT will reassess your eligibility accordingly. If you change your courses, AT will be notified and this may affect your concession
  • If you believe you’re eligible and you haven’t been automatically approved, contact the Student Hub where they’ll check your eligibility manually. If you are eligible, a student advisor can issue you an AT Tertiary ID sticker at any of the three Student Hubs (City, North, South)
  • If you’d like to apply for limited full-time status because you’re unable to study full-time, fill out the Limited Full-time Application form on the StudyLink website

Limited Full-time Application form from StudyLinkTerms and conditions of eligibility for a tertiary student discount from AT

Application process for a tertiary concession

How to apply for a tertiary concession

Download the AT Mobile app to apply for a tertiary concession. You'll need your university login details handy.

Applying for a tertiary student concession info on Auckland Transport website

When to apply for a tertiary concession

You can apply for the concession up to two weeks before your programme start date and once you have your student ID card, and the AT Mobile app or an AT Tertiary ID sticker.

More information about the tertiary concession

Concession expiry date

  • If you use the AT Mobile app to apply, your concession will be loaded for the entire duration of your course (up to three years) as long as you remain eligible. If you have any questions about your eligibility, please contact a student advisor at the Student Hub
  • If you have an AT Tertiary ID sticker, your concession will expire on the same date as your sticker expires
  • If you’re enrolled full-time in Semester 1 only, your concession will expire on 31 August of the same year
  • If you’re enrolled full-time for the full year or in Semester 2 only, your concession will expire on 31 March of the following year

Discounted travel during the holidays

Once your concession is loaded and remains valid, your tertiary concession provides discounted travel every day (including weekends) until it expires.

Further information

Visit the AT website for more information regarding eligibility, AT HOP cards and accounts, and the AT Mobile app.

Auckland Transport website

More about AT HOP cards

AT Hop Card

To find out more about HOP cards visit the AT HOP website​

AT HOP website​

Tips for travelling on public transport

  • All trains, buses and ferries are non-smoking
  • It’s common practice for people to give up their seats for elderly passengers
  • Don’t put a bag next to you because you don't feel like sharing your seat with anyone
  • If you're sick and can't find alternate transport, wear a face mask

Contact us

The Hub

Need help or have a question?

Contact the Student Hub throughout your studies at AUT.

Phone: 0800 288 864
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Hub hours