Green Impact: sustainability action competition

Green Impact is AUT's sustainability competition for students and staff who want to implement sustainability actions on campus and at home.

It's a free, fun competition where teams complete a range of sustainability actions and earn points, and at the end of the competition teams get awards based on the points they've acquired.

The programme is flexible – easily worked into your schedule, whether you have an hour or just five minutes free a week.

Keen to get involved with Green Impact?

Register your team name and contact details

Encourage your friends or colleagues to join your team

Get started on completing actions from the toolkit

Benefits of participating

Green Impact will:

  • Teach you about social, health and environmental issues and how to make a real impact
  • Help you develop valuable employability skills and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals
  • Provide a digital certification to put on your CV and LinkedIn profile
  • Enable interaction with likeminded people
  • Give you access to events

Register now

The 2024 Green Impact overall winners, BELoved Planet

Feedback from other Green Impact participants

  • “I’ve become more aware of more ways to improve my habits and become more sustainably minded.”
  • “From working with other groups, I've gained a new perspective on how people find creative ways to live in a more sustainable way.”

Frequently asked questions about the Green Impact competition

The team size is up to you. The usual number is between three and ten.

Each action has a point value and level based on their impact and difficulty: bronze, silver, gold or platinum. Earn points by completing actions, and accumulate the required total for a bronze, silver, gold or platinum certificate.

Points system and certificates

Action type

Action value

Certificates and points

Working towards Bronze (<75 points)


5 points

Bronze certificate (75 points)


10 points

Silver certificate (150 points)


15 points

Gold certificate (300 points)


50+ points

Platinum certificate (600 points)

You can mix actions of any level to reach your goal. For example, to earn a silver certificate (150 points), you could complete 14 bronze actions, 5 silver actions and 2 gold actions.

The Green Impact Lead is just an email away. If you have any questions during the programme, just email

There are also monthly online Green Impact meetings throughout the programme to connect with other teams, and monthly email communications with tips and reminders about upcoming events.

You can complete Green Impact Express.

Green Impact Express is a simplified programme designed to help individuals take practical actions to reduce their carbon footprint.

What is involved in Green Impact Express?

  • Complete 10 tailored sustainability actions designed for individuals
  • Earn your Green Impact Express Certificate and badge immediately upon completing all 10 actions
  • Take it further by joining or starting a team

Download Green Impact Express Guide

2025 timeline

Remember these dates for important submissions and events throughout the year.

At the end of the year, we host the Green Impacts Awards ceremony to showcase your fantastic work, with prizes to be won.

Timeline for the year

Photos from our 2024 Green Impact competition

Planting plants
Natures Allies hosted a vegetable planting workshop
A cake shaped like a bird
BELoved Planet won the Green Impact Cup week 4 – Threatened Species Bake-off
People planting trees
Green13 and Kin Staff network planted 300 Mānuka at the AUT North Campus
Second-hand clothing
Kākāriki organised a Fresh Fits student clothing giveaway
Food donations
Kākāriki and BELoved Planet organised Food Drives for Tautoko AUT student pantry

green logo

Join AUT’s Green Impact group on Facebook

The AUT Green Impact group aims to create a community of likeminded people to share knowledge, ask for suggestions and work together to create a more sustainable future. You don't have to take part in the Green Impact programme to join this group.


Sign up to the newsletter

Sign up to our monthly AUT Sustainability Newsletter and get updates on environmental, social and economic sustainability-related initiatives, news and Green Impact.

Sign up

Contact us

If you have any questions or need help, contact us.
