14.1. When either the researcher or AUTEC considers that some or all of the research instruments or participant documentation (e.g. questionnaires, interview schedules, information sheets, consent forms, confidentiality agreements, etc.) need to be translated into a language other than English, then:
14.1.1. The ethics application is to contain an account of the relevant circumstances;
14.1.2. A true and accurate translation in the appropriate languages is to accompany the English version and the application, along with details of the translator’s/ translators’ expertise and/or professional qualifications;
14.1.3. Translators are to sign a Confidentiality Agreement when translation of confidential participant information or responses is involved and a copy of the Confidentiality Agreement is to accompany the application.
14.2. AUTEC reserves the right to require a verified translation where appropriate (Refer to the Glossary - Appendix A for a definition of ‘Verified Translation’).
14.3. Given their status as official languages of New Zealand, the appropriate use of Te Reo Maori and New Zealand Sign Language by researchers is encouraged;
14.4. Researchers are advised to consider the following matters when deciding whether or not to use languages other than English in research projects:
14.4.1. The preferred language of the participants;
14.4.2. The impact upon the ability of the participants to provide fully informed consent when they are given information in a language of which they have limited understanding;
14.4.3. The impact upon the quality of the data if the research is conducted in a language of which participants have limited understanding;
14.4.4. The need to ensure the accuracy and compositional quality of the translations, which should be undertaken by qualified and competent persons;
14.4.5. The need to provide translation services for focus groups and interviews as well as for the written documentation.
View the contact details for faculty representatives, research ethics senior consultants and AUTEC.