Preamble (1)

1.1. Research and teaching are integral to the mission of the University.  In pursuit of these aims Auckland University of Technology Ethics Committee (AUTEC) recognises the need for studies in which human participants may serve as research or teaching subjects. The role of AUTEC is to promote excellence in research and teaching, while upholding the University’s responsibility to ensure that the privacy, safety, health, social sensitivities and welfare of human participants are adequately protected.

1.2. AUTEC recognises that individual researchers and teachers, working in and familiar with their own disciplines, are generally in the best position to assess their proposed activity.  Nevertheless, to ensure consistency and impartiality in considering the interests of potential participants, as well as to provide a degree of protection for the researcher or teacher, it is important that certain categories of research and teaching activities be approved in accordance with these Guidelines before the research or teaching is undertaken.  Approval by an accredited ethics Committee (as is AUTEC) is also a requirement for many funding agencies and for publication.

1.3. It is the policy of the University that all staff or student research and teaching sessions involving human subjects (with the exception of special cases mentioned under Section 6) must receive approval from AUTEC prior to commencement.

1.4. Whether they are teachers or students, all members of the University whose teaching or research involves human participants or human tissue or otherwise affects people’s privacy, rights and freedoms, are required to consider whether their work requires ethical approval in accordance with these Guidelines.  If researchers or teachers are in any doubt about the need for ethical approval they should discuss the matter with a member of AUTEC.

1.5. It is the policy of the University that staff or student teaching or research involving animals must receive ethical approval from The University of Auckland Animal Ethics Committee prior to commencement of the research.
Note: The University of Auckland Animal Ethics Committee can be contacted by email at

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