General Approval Provisions (10)

10.1. Approval of individual applications is normally granted for a period of three years from the date of notification.

10.2. Where the research has been completed, a final report on the findings  of the research or the outcomes of the treatment should be submitted to the Committee (refer to Form EA3, Appendix H).

10.3. Where the research has not been commenced within a 12 month period from the approval date, a new application must be submitted, making reference to the previous application.

10.4. Where conditions have not been met within 12 months of the date of notification to the applicant of those conditions and the researcher wishes to continue with the project, a new application must be submitted, making reference to the previous application.

10.5. Where it appears that the project will not be completed before the expiry of the approval date, the applicant must submit a request to the Committee for an extension, providing justification for the extension. The length of requested extension must be clearly identified.

10.6. Applicants are responsible for informing AUTEC if their project changes during the period for which approval has been given.  In such cases applicants are required to write to AUTEC, providing details of the proposed changes and copies of any revised Consent Forms, Questionnaires, Information Sheets, etc.

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