Workshops for postgraduate research students

As a postgraduate research student at AUT you can take part in a range of workshops to improve your research skills.

View our range of workshops and fora

Choose from a variety of workshops and activities depending on what you need help with and at which stage you are at in your research. You can browse the full selection of workshops in our Postgraduate Workshops and Fora Catalogue.

View workshops and fora

PG Workshop Catalogue thumbnail

What our postgraduate workshops cover

Topics include

  • Referencing / library tools*
  • Academic writing*
  • Employability and careers
  • Funding
  • Research milestones
    • Confirmation of candidature
    • Doctoral oral examination
  • Student wellbeing
  • Data analysis
  • Thesis formatting
  • Presentation skills
  • Publishing and dissemination

Full details on all workshops, as well as online bookings, are available through Elab Online.

Log into Elab Online

*Additional details on these workshops (and some extra sessions) are available on the Library website.

How to register for a workshop

To register for postgraduate seminars and workshops, log into Elab Online by using your student username login.

  1. Select the 'Events' tab and filter down to ‘Postgraduate seminars’ under 'Type of Event'. You can also search for the workshop you want to attend by using 'Search Events'.
  2. Choose the workshop you want to attend by selecting the workshop title. Select 'Book In'.
  3. You can choose to 'Add to your Calendar' so you're reminded of the workshop

An email notification confirming your registration will be sent to you.

Log into Elab Online

Cancelling your registration

If you can no longer attend a workshop, make sure to cancel your registration in Elab Online.

  1. Login with your student username to Elab. Select the 'MyElab' tab and filter down to 'Dashboard'.
  2. Under 'Dashboard' select 'My Event Bookings' and choose ‘Cancel Booking’.

An email notification confirming your cancellation will be sent to you.

Log into Elab Online

Contact us

AUT City campus WU Entry

Graduate Research School
Phone: +64 9 921 9907
City Campus - level 5, WU Building

Planning your researcher development

To see how these workshops can fit into your overall development plan, check out our web page on researcher development.


A chance to provide feedback

Our workshops are reviewed frequently based on student feedback. If you attend a workshop, you'll be invited to complete an evaluation form by email after the workshop.