Self-paced methodological training for researchers

Learn about self-paced training and consultation sessions available for mixed methods, qualitative and quantitative researchers at AUT.

Research Accelerator

Academic Consulting has put together courses that cover the basics to prepare for your next qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods research project, allowing you to learn the material you need on your own time, wherever and whenever you want.

Opportunities for AUT research students

Doctoral students and master's research students enrolled in a research project of 90 points or more can apply for a free pass for Research Accelerator Online Training* from Academic Consulting Ltd. We have a limited number of passes to give away in 2024.

Courses available

*The Research Accelerator Online Training for students is different from the Research Accelerator memberships available for staff.

Each course bundle includes:

  • NVivo and SPSS self-paced training videos
  • Downloadable resources
  • Q&A support


Opportunities for AUT staff

The Graduate Research School offers a limited number of free places for Research Accelerator Standard Memberships, and for Academic Consulting's virtual research retreat. Staff can find more information on TUIA (AUT's staff intranet).

Research courses for AUT staff on TUIA

CARMA: Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis

All AUT staff and students can access hundreds of video lectures on research methods and data analysis via the CARMA database. CARMA is especially useful for quantitative researchers, with many videos giving detailed deep-dives into regression, correlation, structural equation modelling, multilevel analysis, using big data, and much more. Qualitative researchers can also find useful resources, with videos on grounded theory, coding, text mining, using photographs, and more.

CARMA database

AUT’s subscription also includes access to:

How to create your CARMA account

How to create your CARMA account and access the resources

Contact us

To find out more or to apply, email the Researcher Development team in AUT's Graduate Research School:


Planning your researcher development

If you're a postgraduate research student you should also check out our web page on researcher development.