Developing your research skills

You need to develop your research skills to succeed in a research degree and in your career; no matter what your goals are. Research skills are not just a by-product of doing research - they're skills you can actively and purposefully develop.

As a postgraduate research student at AUT, you can take charge of your development as a researcher by making the most of AUT’s research workshops, seminars, groups and resources to develop these research skills.

Resources on Canvas

Visit our Canvas page for academic resources, including videos, workshops and useful links.


Thesislink – Research blog

AUT's research blog is full of useful tips for all researchers and postgraduate students.


What skills do researchers need?

Research is a complex endeavour, requiring a huge variety of skills. It’s not just about what you do in the lab or office. It’s also about:

  • How you communicate your research
  • How you organise your work
  • Personal characteristics like resilience and integrity
  • And much more

The Vitae Researcher Development Framework gives a great overview of the types of skills you need to be an effective researcher.


Want to recruit for participants for your AUT research?

AUT staff and postgraduate students conduct research on a huge variety of topics, and many of these projects need research participants. If you need participants for your postgraduate research at AUT, you can advertise for participants on our web page.


Contact us

AUT City campus WU Entry

Graduate Research School
Phone: +64 9 921 9907
City Campus - level 5, WU Building

Research at AUT

Researcher at AUT

See what's going on in AUT's thriving research community and read about the latest research from across the university.