Research in management, technology and organisation

AUT’s Management, Technology and Organisation department conducts innovative and impactful research that addresses key issues at the intersection of management, technology and organisational dynamics.

Our research embraces ethics, human values and people’s wellbeing, and aims to generate impactful insights that foster meaningful solutions and help businesses adapt to the changing environment. Join us as we explore practical solutions and advancements that shape the future of work and technology in organisations and society.

AUT research expertise in management, technology and organisation

AUT’s human resource management and employment relations researchers are committed to seeing everyone thrive in work. We have a strong focus on addressing inequality and privileging the voices of those who are often not heard among workers and employers.

Because we collaborate with community and industry partners, our research is connected to practice. Our researchers have strong international research and industry connections, resulting in research with a clear impact in Aotearoa New Zealand and beyond.

Our research expertise covers

  • New ways of working for inclusive workplaces and careers
  • Critical perspectives on wellbeing
  • The impact of societal change and systemic discrimination on work, workers and organisations
  • The digitalisation of work for a sustainable world
  • Change agents: HRM and employees' actions for change

The information systems researchers at AUT seek to study novel phenomena at the intersection of digital technology, human behaviour, organisational processes and societal routines.

We’re actively involved with various external entities for our research, both within and outside New Zealand, and collaborate with colleagues around the world. A particular strength is our wide network of PhD graduates, many of whom continue collaborating closely with us. We’re also well-represented in service roles in the information systems community.

Our research expertise covers

  • Innovation and change
  • ICT (information and communications technologies) use in work, organisations and social practices, as well as for development (ICT4D)
  • User experiences and behaviour in e-commerce
  • Information systems governance and risk (including cybersecurity)
  • Knowledge and project management
  • Ethical issues relating to information systems

AUT’s management researchers are proud of the strong research culture that contributes valuable insights to organisational effectiveness, leadership, change and work life. Our research informs – and is informed by – both theory and practice, focusing on the way businesses adapt to current and future challenges.

Our research expertise covers

  • Interpersonal relationships and working with others
  • Wellbeing and ill-being
  • Innovation, entrepreneurship and digital learning
  • The physical environment of work and work arrangements
  • Managing continuous organisational change
  • Leadership of self, others and organisations

The supply chain research team at AUT is a group of active researchers focusing on the intersection of supply chain, sustainability, and industry 4.0 and digital transformation. Our research emphasises a firm’s quality, productivity and performance improvement.

We currently explore the future of supply chains in New Zealand, smart warehouse innovations, and the application of big data and blockchain technologies in the manufacturing and pharmaceutical sectors. We also investigate the impact of these technologies on the circular economy. Our projects aim to advance knowledge in these areas, contributing to the development of more efficient, sustainable and technologically integrated supply chain systems.

Our research expertise covers

  • Productivity and quality improvement
  • Supply chain sustainability and circular economy
  • Buyer-supplier relationship
  • Industry 4.0 and digital technology transformation

AUT’s sustainability and ethics research team is at the forefront of exploring sustainability, social entrepreneurship and business ethics. Our research covers areas that include sustainable development, meaningful and purposeful work, the impact of social enterprises on communities, and ethical frameworks guiding corporate practices.

By fostering a culture of inquiry and collaboration, the team aims to influence policies and practices that promote responsible business conduct and contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future.

Our research expertise covers

  • Ethical and sustainable leadership
  • Social and environmental sustainability
  • Meaningful work
  • Social entrepreneurship
  • Business ethics and corporate social responsibility
  • Educating for sustainability

New Zealand Policy Research Institute

The New Zealand Policy Research Institute (NZPRI), formerly known as the New Zealand Work Research Institute (NZWRI), provides multidisciplinary, inquiry-driven research with social impact.


Postgraduate research student support

Interested in postgraduate study? As a postgraduate research student at AUT you have access to a range of support and resources, including postgraduate study spaces, events and researcher development activities.


WU building

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About our department

The Management, Technology and Organisation department brings together researchers with a shared interest in the positive impact that inclusive and sustainable business practice has on people, organisations and society.