Study law

Make a positive impact on the world with AUT’s law programmes. The AUT Law School offers highly respected and versatile degrees that will prepare you for legal practice or a wide range of other careers where you can really make a difference.

AUT law graduates are highly sought after by law firms, community organisations and other employers. You study at one of the most diverse and inclusive law schools in the country, learning from world-class academic staff, in programmes developed in close consultation with the legal profession.

Undergraduate study in law will give you a solid grounding in your chosen area.

Bachelor's degree

Postgraduate study in law will build on your knowledge and expertise in your area of interest.

A certificate or diploma will give you an introduction to your chosen subject and can prepare you for further study.

Research in law

We believe in high-quality research that has impact, and have world-class researchers and research strengths across law.

More about our research

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There are many ways your organisation can partner with the AUT Law School – including the Shadow a Leader programme, student club partnerships, scholarships and awards, extracurricular initiatives for students, research collaborations, and bespoke collaborations.

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Christmas Island, Kiribati.
Aerial view of the island of Tuvalu located in the Pacific Ocean.
Young unidentifiable teenage boy holding the wired garden at the correctional institute in black and white, conceptual image of juvenile delinquency, focus on the boys hand.
Auckland, New Zealand - JANUARY 07 2024: Manifestation pro Palestine freedom and stop war
Lady Justice
News pattern
Christmas Island, Kiribati.
Rift highlights drivers of foreign aid
07 Feb, 2025
The NZ-Kiribati diplomatic rift shows how personalities and misunderstanding can often drive foreign policy and aid, says AUT Law School’s Sione Tekiteki.
Aerial view of the island of Tuvalu located in the Pacific Ocean.
Pacific nations’ geopolitical tightrope
17 Dec, 2024
Recent international arrangements reflect the geopolitical tussle occurring in the Pacific between China and the US and its allies, writes Sione Tekiteki.
Young unidentifiable teenage boy holding the wired garden at the correctional institute in black and white, conceptual image of juvenile delinquency, focus on the boys hand.
New youth crime laws unlikely to work
28 Nov, 2024
Science shows the brain is being rewired during adolescence, up to age 25. But the government’s proposed law reforms overlook these biological influences.
Auckland, New Zealand - JANUARY 07 2024: Manifestation pro Palestine freedom and stop war
Can NZ divest from Israeli investments?
12 Nov, 2024
If the NZ government were to divest from Israeli investments, what would its options be? AUT Law School’s Myra Williamson examines the issue.
Lady Justice
NZ sentencing reforms: dogma or data?
25 Sep, 2024
The proposals ignore the fact that most of the people in the judicial system have a reduced capacity to take personal responsibility for their actions.

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Phone 0800 AUT AUT (0800 288 288)

AUT Law School
WY Building
120 Mayoral Drive
Auckland City
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View academic staff

Britney D’Souza
Jasween Jyoti Mala
Alex Greaves
Wairua Taru Grant Pukeiti
Sauniuni Seleni