Study language and culture

Study language and culture at AUT, and learn to understand the importance of communicating successfully in both local and global environments and the key role that culture plays. You’ll have many opportunities to practise your skills in our interactive learning environment or during workplace experience in an industry or community organisation.

AUT's language and culture programmes focus on language in its widest sense. Our courses cover the study of languages including New Zealand Sign Language and Spanish, as well as the areas of creative writing, interpreting, international studies and the importance of intercultural competencies.

Undergraduate study in language and culture will give you a solid grounding in your chosen area.

Bachelor's degree

Studying a bachelor’s degree? You can also study:

You can study language and culture subjects as part of many AUT bachelor’s degrees, not just the ones listed above. Choose either a major (a main subject you specialise in) or a minor (a smaller subject).

Language elective courses

You could also study languages as an elective course; a course of your choice for the programme you're studying. Our courses include Japanese, Korean and Spanish. To find a course use our course search tool.

Find a course

Graduate certificates and diplomas

Postgraduate study in language and culture will build on your knowledge and expertise in your area of interest.

A certificate or diploma will give you an introduction to your chosen subject and can prepare you for further study.

Learn English at AUT in Auckland City and improve your English language skills.

Beginner to pre-intermediate level

Intermediate level or above

Research in language and culture

We believe in high-quality research that has impact, and have world-class researchers and research strengths across the field of language and culture.

More about our research

International student exchange

Immerse yourself in another culture while you study and have the adventure of your life. Check out where you can go on exchange – and read some stories from returned AUT students.

Exchange for AUT students
News image
Sign Language at AUT
Siobhan holding a book in a classroom, smiling at the camera, with a view over Auckland through windows behind her.
A person with sunglasses on standing in front of a magnificent old orange building with a canal in front.
An auditorium full of people watching speakers on stage.
News pattern
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Celebrating culture, cuisine and couture
01 May, 2024
AUT once again hosted the annual Manaaki Scholars Cultural Lunch and Couture, a cultural celebration of food, dress and performances.
Sign Language at AUT
Adapting signs to suit Deaf students
23 Feb, 2024
AUT’s NZSL interpreters have been working with Ko Taku Reo – Deaf Education New Zealand to review signs used in various subject areas.
Siobhan holding a book in a classroom, smiling at the camera, with a view over Auckland through windows behind her.
Landfall win – a Q&A with Siobhan Harvey
27 Nov, 2023
Acclaimed author, and AUT academic, Siobhan Harvey has won the 2023 Landfall Essay Competition.
A person with sunglasses on standing in front of a magnificent old orange building with a canal in front.
Study while working part-time in Spain
17 Oct, 2023
A new online course allows students to continue their degree and have an overseas experience while working in Spain.
An auditorium full of people watching speakers on stage.
Building cultural understanding
12 Oct, 2023
With societies becoming more diverse, the risk of intercultural misunderstanding is very real.

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Contact details

Contact us online
Phone 0800 AUT AUT (0800 288 288)

School of Social Sciences and Humanities
WB Building, Level 4
Wellesley Street
Auckland City
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