Food science and microbiology department

Known for expertise across the field of food science and microbiology, we offer a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, taught by academic staff who are experts on food chemistry, food microbiology, food technology or biofilms.

Research in food science and microbiology

We believe in high-quality research that has impact, and have world-class researchers and research strengths across science.

More about our research
Keegan Chessum
Emma Lockie
Hannah Gu
Masika Alexia Paky

Contact us

Get in touch to find out more about our programmes:

IWD Science
Kay Vopel
Climate explained
Fabrice Merien mask
Ali Seyfoddin
News pattern
IWD Science
Breaking bias must take effort
04 Mar, 2022
In New Zealand, attracting women into science is a major problem. The issue is retaining and enabling them to advance at the same rate as men.
Kay Vopel
Research a step to predict ocean future
25 Nov, 2021
Research which sheds light on the response of coastal ecosystems to increased atmospheric carbon dioxide will help predict the future of coastal waters.
Climate explained
Are we gaining or losing native forest?
15 Jul, 2021
Ecology professor Sebastian Leuzinger on the question of whether Aotearoa is losing or gaining native forest.
Fabrice Merien mask
Professor helps on COVID-19 testing
22 May, 2020
AUT’s Professor Fabrice Merien has been seconded to assist Roche Diagnostics New Zealand increase capacity for COVID-19 testing in New Zealand.
Ali Seyfoddin
AUT offers medicinal cannabis paper
18 May, 2020
AUT is the first university in New Zealand to offer a comprehensive postgraduate paper on medicinal cannabis from semester 2 (starting July 20).