Electrical and Electronic Engineering department

Highly ranked around the world, the Electrical and Electronic Engineering department is part of engineering, computer and mathematical sciences at AUT.

Electrical and electronic engineering prepares students to solve complex engineering problems over a broad range of disciplines.

Research in engineering

We believe in high-quality research that has impact, and have world-class researchers and research strengths across engineering, computer and mathematical sciences.

More about our research
Sophie Hergot
Wasan Alamro
Muhammad Arif Syed
Daniel Ruwangalegedara
Prabakar Parthiban

QS Subject Ranked

The city as laboratory
ECMS launch
AUT equipment arrives to Tonga aboard a New Zealand Defence Force plane. Supplied: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
NZ Cyber Security Centre
Dr Mahsa
News pattern
The city as laboratory
The city as laboratory
20 Sep, 2022
Learning about urban recovery and transformation in post-quake Christchurch.
ECMS launch
A bold new research framework for ECMS
28 Jul, 2022
The School of Engineering, Computer Science & Mathematics’ vision is to produce industry and future-ready graduates for a globally connected world.
AUT equipment arrives to Tonga aboard a New Zealand Defence Force plane. Supplied: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Graduate and AUT help Tongan recovery
18 Feb, 2022
An AUT engineering graduate living in Tonga reached out to AUT staff to help reconnect vital communications following the devastating volcanic eruption.
NZ Cyber Security Centre
More cyber attacks likely
01 Sep, 2020
New Zealand businesses warned to be ready for cyber attacks as attacks on the NZX continue. Professor Dave Parry explains what’s been happening.
Dr Mahsa
Getting more kids into STEM is crucial
12 Jun, 2020
Dr Mahsa Mohaghegh, Director of Women in STEM at AUT says now more than ever getting and maintaining children’s interest in STEM is vital.