Radio and Audio Media department

From announcing to compiling on-air news, and from researching to recording and producing items for broadcast, the Radio and Audio Media department teaches performance skills as well as radio station operations and management.

Student radio

AUT's student radio station, Static 88.1FM, is run by third-year students in the Bachelor of Communication Studies in Radio.

Static 88.1 FM

Industry associations

Our staff have professional relationships with many organisations. Guest lecturers talk to our students, and key people contribute to our School Advisory Committee, like Mediaworks, NZME and NZ on Air.

Sonic Cultures Research Group

The Sonic Cultures Research Group is a multi-disciplinary research group that explores the frontiers of sound cultures across the media and society, focused on, but not limited to radio, podcasting, music, sound and the internet.

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Contact us

Undergraduate enquiries:

Postgraduate enquiries:

Head of Department contact

Matt Mollgaard
Head of Department
Phone +64 9 921 9999 ext 7876

QS Award

Podcast Picture
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Much ado about Shakespeare
Two women recording with headphones and mixer
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Podcast Picture
NZ largest podcast study: Podcast Summit
06 May, 2024
At the upcoming NZ Podcasting Summit on May 11, Lewis Tennant will share his new research-the most comprehensive study of Aotearoa's podcast landscape yet.
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Podcasts offer deep audience connection
26 Apr, 2023
The New Zealand Podcasting Summit, being held at AUT’s city campus on Saturday 13 May, showcases the breadth of podcasts being made in New Zealand.
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Radio essential for social connections
26 Apr, 2023
Recent research by Dr Amber Hammill for her PhD at AUT’s School of Communication Studies, reaffirms the importance of radio as a crucial public utility.
Much ado about Shakespeare
Much Ado About Shakespeare
01 Nov, 2022
What role does Shakespeare play in New Zealand’s culture? Professor Barry King suggests a National Theatre could help in NZ's cultural identity crisis.
Two women recording with headphones and mixer
Share the Elevator
04 Oct, 2022
A new podcast shines a bright light on the inequities and challenges experienced by young women of colour starting their careers in Aotearoa.