Women in Leadership 2013

12 Sep, 2013
Women in Leadership 2013
AUT Logo

AUT Women in Leadership Week 16th - 20th September.

To celebrate the 120th anniversary of Women’s Suffrage in New Zealand, the NZWIL@AUT (New Zealand Women in Leadership @ AUT) alumni have initiated a ‘Women in Leadership Week’ from 16th to 20th September 2013. The aim of the programme is to recognise and enhance women’s achievements, leadership capacities and influence in teaching, research and administration at all levels of the University.

Different areas of the University have contributed to the week long programme. The activities for the week include talks, seminars, discussion forums and photo exhibitions, profiling women in leadership across the different disciplines, academic and administrative departments. The event will be opened by the Vice Chancellor with a debate and closed by some of AUT’s senior women on the afternoon of Friday 20 September 2013.

  • Register for the events here