What do we mean by wellbeing?

17 Sep, 2024
What do we mean by wellbeing?

The measurement of wellbeing worldwide should be extended to include concepts of collective wellbeing.

This is what Associate Professor Stephanié Rossouw said as part of a recent report by the World Wellbeing Panel.

“While individual life satisfaction is a critical aspect of overall wellbeing, it does not encompass the full spectrum of collective wellbeing, which includes family, community, and societal dimensions,” she said.

The Western world sees wellbeing as rooted in individual rights and personal success, but other cultures see it as intertwined with family, community and societal welfare.

“These cultures emphasise collectivist values where interdependence, social harmony, and fulfilling roles with a group are paramount.

“Satisfaction with life in these contexts is derived from the strength of social bonds, communal support, and contributing to the greater good, reflecting a holistic approach to wellbeing that values interconnectedness and mutual responsibility.”

Associate Professor Rossouw says an individual might report high personal satisfaction due to career success despite community inequality, social fragmentation, or family stress.

“[Alternatively], a community might experience high levels of collective wellbeing due to strong social bonds and mutual support systems, even if individual members report moderate personal satisfaction.”

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