Vigil for Orlando shooting victims

13 Jun, 2016
Vigil for Orlando shooting victims

Our thoughts are with staff members and students who have connections in the rainbow community in Florida at this anxious and devastating time, and indeed with those in all parts of the world who are subjected to violence and intimidation because of their gender, sexual orientation, or any other part of their identity.

Our sympathies and condolences go out to all those in Florida affected by the terrible shooting in the weekend, to everyone who has lost friends and loved ones in the attack, and to all those who are impacted in other ways by the terrible acts visited upon innocent and unsuspecting people.

We also want to acknowledge that many people will be feeling traumatised or unsafe because of these events, even if they do not know individuals caught up in this despicable act. Members of the LGBTI community have been subjected to hate attacks in the past, and it is shocking to be reminded of that. The Pulse nightclub was a safe place for a marginalised community, and that has been taken away. AUT values deeply all our staff and students, and aims to be a safe place for everyone.

For those wishing to gather together in support of the LGBTI community, there is a memorial this evening at Western Park, Ponsonby at 6pm-7pm.