New appointments to AUT Council

19 Sep, 2024
New appointments to AUT Council

The Auckland University of Technology is pleased to announce several new appointments to the AUT Council, the governing body responsible for providing governance and oversight and supporting the university's strategy and leadership team.

The Minister for Tertiary Education and Skills, the Hon. Penny Simmonds, has appointed Mark Darrow and Shaun Clarke, each for a four-year term.

Mark Darrow

Mark Darrow

Mark Darrow is an experienced Independent Board Chair and Director with extensive knowledge across many sectors. He is a Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Directors and a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand. Mark is currently Chair of Civil Aviation Authority, TSB Bank, Armstrong’s, MTF Finance, and Riverton Dairies Farms and Chairs Inland Revenue’s Risk and Assurance Committee. He is on the Auckland University or Auckland Council. Previous Board roles have included Waka Kotahi (NZTA), Counties Manukau DHB, Auckland Transport, Invivo & Co.  The Lines Company, Leighs Construction, Primary ITO, Sime Darby NZ, Charlies Group, Trustees Executors, MTA and VTNZ and was seconded to the Eke Panuku Audit and Risk Committee.

Shaun Clarke

Shaun Clarke ONZM

Shaun Clarke ONZM, has a broad professional background in public, private and not-for-profit sectors, in both governance and executive leadership capacities. His 30 or so formal roles have variously included CEO of local government, NZ diplomat (Canberra and Delhi), ‘Pulse’ netball board member and Director of SME start-ups. Shaun is co-founder and Director of ThinkBird and currently holds private/commercial directorships in property, forestry, education and tourism sectors. He was CEO of the Far North District Council for five years. As a former Air Commodore, air force pilot and on-the-ground commander, he has deployed and led numerous security operations (including Iran, Kosovo and the Solomon Islands), working to manage NZ’s interests and uncertainties.

Michelle Huang

Michelle Huang  

In addition to the Minister's appointments, the AUT Council has appointed Michelle Huang to the Council for a four-year term. Michelle brings expertise in creative problem-solving, strategic planning, and collaborative governance, drawing inspiration from biomimicry to drive sustainable solutions. She is the Chair, Co-Founder, and Interim General Manager of Multiethnic Young Leaders NZ (MYLN), which operates the Rangatahi Leadership Opportunities Database (RLOD) and the 3 Kapu Kawhe™ mentorship programme. Michelle previously served on the Crown Panel for the Ministry for Ethnic Communities' Ethnic Communities Development Fund and currently leads DEI efforts at Westpac.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Damon Salesa would like to welcome the new members and looks forward to working with the AUT Council to deliver on AUT's strategy.

Marama Royal

Marama Royal

Council also confirms member Marama Royal as the new Pro-Chancellor. Marama has extensive experience in strategic planning, relationship management, leadership, governance, and organisational change. She is passionate about achieving positive outcomes for whānau, especially our kaumātua. Marama is the Chair of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Trust and SkyCity Community Trust, a director for Variety the Children’s Charity, and sits on many other boards. She has been a Council member since 2022 and is currently holding office until 2026.

Chancellor Rob Campbell would like to acknowledge the services, leadership, and commitment of Sussan Turner, Sina Wendt ONZM, and Renata Blair to AUT during their terms on the Council.

The AUT Council governing body consists of 12 members, including:

Rob Campbell (Chancellor), appointed by Council

Marama Royal (Pro-Chancellor), appointed by Council

Professor Damon Salesa (Vice-Chancellor)

Peter Treacy, appointed by the Minister

Janine Smith, appointed by the Minister

Shaun Clarke, appointed by the Minister

Mark Darrow, appointed by the Minister

Alicia Lemmer (Student President), appointed by AUTSA

Professor Welby Ings, elected by AUT Academic Staff

Lani Thompson, elected by AUT Professional Staff

Leo Foliaki, appointed by Council

Michelle Huang, appointed by Council

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