Dame Anne Salmond to give Sir Paul Reeves Memorial Lecture

07 Aug, 2012
Dame Anne Salmond to give Sir Paul Reeves Memorial Lecture
Sir Paul Reeves

Dame Anne Salmond, New Zealand’s foremost historian and anthropologist, will give the inaugural Bishop Sir Paul Reeves Memorial Lecture next week on the dramatic changes in New Zealand’s thinking that are required to shape our future.

In the first of what will be an annual calendar highlight held on the anniversary of Sir Paul’s passing, Dame Anne will provoke discussion by challenging the status quo of our society, and our thinking as individuals.

Drawing on the legacy of the Enlightenment, Maori philosophy and aspects of contemporary science, Dame Anne will examine the potential of relational thinking for politics, economic life, environmental questions and identity in New Zealand.

Master of Ceremonies for this outstanding occasion will be Radio New Zealand National Sunday Morning host Chris Laidlaw.

Modelled on the prestigious international BBC Reith Lectures, it promises to become a memorable milestone event and commentary on New Zealand’s progress as a nation. It will be a draw card for thinking New Zealanders wanting to engage in shaping a positive future for our nation.

The evening will be enhanced by supporting artists poet Selina Tusitala-Marsh, musician Karam Meuli, and the St Mary’s Chora choir conducted by David Hamilton. Former Governor General Dame Catherine Tizard, a friend of Sir Paul, will pay a tribute to him on the night.

The inspiration for the annual lecture series came from the outstanding leader and visionary, Bishop Sir Paul Reeves, who passed away in 2011 and to whom the series is dedicated. Sir Paul Reeves was Chancellor of AUT University from 2005-2011.

The lecture is a Leadership New Zealand event (with the support of AUT University), and will take place at 7.30pm on Friday 17 August at Auckland’s Holy Trinity Cathedral.

Tickets are available at ticketmaster.co.nz for $30.

For further information please contact Vicky Pond-Dunlop at Leadership New Zealand on 09 309 3749 or lnzevents@leadershipnz.co.nz.