Business Research Translation comp wins

19 Oct, 2023
Business Research Translation comp wins

Congratulations to AUT Business School for another outstanding performance at the Aoteaora Business and Economics Research Translation Competition.

The annual event, which accepts eligible entries from all New Zealand’s Business Schools, requires translating a published article into 750 words aimed at a non-academic audience. Submissions are judged by a panel of external businesspeople and policymakers. In each category the winner is awarded $1500.

Our academics won the top prize in three of the four categories:

Māori and Pacific Research Category

Maulupeivao Dr Betty Ofe-Grant, Management - Seven Strategies for Recruiting Pacific People as Research Participants in a post-Covid World

Early Career Research Category

Dr Alexander Plum, New Zealand Work Research Institute (NZWRI) - Youth crime, fatherhood, and the role of ethnicity

Established Career Research Category (joint winners)

Dr Ranjana Gupta, Accounting - A taxation approach to reduce pollution in Auckland
Lisa Meehan, New Zealand Work Research Institute (NZWRI) - Can a single concussion increase the risk of criminal behaviour?

“We are delighted to have received such a strong endorsement of our academics’ research impact, particularly from the business and policy sectors, where evidence and expertise can make a real difference,” says Professor Alireza Tourani Rad, Deputy Dean and Associate Dean, Research – AUT Business School. “We also applaud the variety and scope of the winning translations, which reflect the Business School’s commitment to real-world research that matters.”

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