AUT walks the talk for Head2Head

09 Nov, 2016
AUT walks the talk for Head2Head
South Campus will open its doors overnight as the final rest-stop for the 24-hour Hubbards Head2Head Walk.

South Campus will open its doors overnight as the final rest-stop for the 24-hour Hubbards Head2Head Walk.

“It’s a great opportunity to host our local communities and support an iconic event that travels the width and breadth of the region,” says Peter McGlashan, External Relations Manager at AUT South Campus.

The walking relay navigates 125kms, from Orua Bay to Huia – the southern and northern points of the Manukau Harbour.

Teams of five will compete, with each member issued the challenge of covering 25kms within five hours.

The event raises money for Oke Charity, which works with schools in South Auckland to establish gardens and ecology projects, teaching children about healthy eating and sustainability.

South Campus has entered two teams – (click here to make a donation).

Lani Wendt-Scanlan, Applicant Engagement Coordinator at South Campus, says the cause itself is motivation for her to do the walk.

“Educating young people about nutrition and wellbeing is critical to creating healthy communities. We need to the ensure that they become active role models for their friends and family,” she says.

Dr Ramesh Lal, a lecturer in Computer and Mathematical Sciences at AUT South Campus, will complete the fourth leg for the University.

It’s a familiar journey that will take him from work, at South Campus, to the vicinity of his home in Lynfield – only this time on foot. He’s due to set off just after midnight.

What will keep him motivated along the way?

“The determination to finish the distance,” says Lal, who is focusing on cardio at the gym as training for the event.

This year’s promotional video for Head2Head was produced as part of a proposed rebrand for the event carried out by third-year Communication Design students at South Campus.

International student, Abdulwahab Alkandary, took the lead on the video, using his own drone to capture stunning footage of South Auckland for the 25-second clip.

“The walk travels through very different neighbourhoods, from rural to urban, and each walker will get to know their neighbourhood a bit better,” says McGlashan.

Givealittle to the team.

Click here to watch the Head2Head promotional video.