AUT University scholarships encourage doctoral study

06 Aug, 2014
AUT University scholarships encourage doctoral study
Vice Chancellor Derek McCormack with recipients

AUT University recently awarded 18 Vice Chancellor’s Doctoral Scholarships to high calibre students in the final round for 2014. The students received scholarships each worth $95,000 to support their doctoral study at AUT.

The scholarships are aimed at assisting high achieving international and domestic doctoral candidates to complete their doctoral studies. The $95,000 covers tuition fees for a three year doctoral degree, as well as a $25,000 annual stipend to cover living costs.

AUT Vice Chancellor Derek McCormack says, “There is a huge emotional and financial cost to students completing doctoral studies. The Vice Chancellor’s Doctoral Scholarships aim to help reduce the stress, not just on the students, but on their friends and families.”

AUT student Jaroslaw Becksa is one of the recipients whose studies will be made easier by the Doctoral Scholarship. Jaroslaw is completing his doctoral studies in the area of audio games and has come to New Zealand from Poland specifically to study under the supervision of Dr Phil Carter in AUT’s School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences. During his study Jaroslaw will complete research and prototypes on games for the visually impaired with the hope of creating a new form of entertainment.

AUT congratulates all 18 recipients and wishes them the best on completing their doctoral degrees.