AUT University dons sustainability gown

05 Sep, 2013
AUT University dons sustainability gown
Green Gown Awards logo

AUT University has been named as a finalist in the carbon reduction category for the Green Gown Awards Australasia, the only University in New Zealand to be recognised in this category.

Started in 2004 in the United Kingdom, the Green Gown Awards is becoming the most prestigious award for Tertiary Education providers to win in the field of sustainability.  To be the only finalist in the carbon reduction category from New Zealand really highlights the fact that AUT is committed to creating a more sustainable environment for our staff and students.

A three pronged approach to reducing CO2 emissions was implemented at AUT. Firstly, AUT committed to a University Travel Plan in 2007 and a programme which encourages staff to travel to work using a more sustainable transport option, rather than driving alone. Staff driving to work alone at the city campus has decreased by twenty per cent between 2006 and 2012. Secondly, energy efficiency was targeted. Luminaires, daylight sensors, occupancy sensors and dimming controls were installed and have saved approximately 1,000,000 kWh of electricity. Lastly, waste reduction initiatives have seen a twenty per cent drop in waste and a forty per cent increase in paper, cardboard, plastic, cans, and glass recycling between 2009 and 2012.

The awards will take place on Thursday 26 September 2013 and AUT has its fingers crossed for success.