AUT Professor joins TEDx Auckland lineup

19 Jul, 2013
AUT Professor joins TEDx Auckland lineup
Professor Welby Ings

The final six TEDx Auckland speakers have been announced, including AUT University’s Professor Welby Ings.

Professor Welby Ings
Film is Professor Ings’ favourite channel and his interest in the potential of film as a means of story- telling rather than convention, has seen his two short films Boy and Munted selected for numerous international film festivals including Cannes. Boy was shortlisted for the 2006 Academy Awards.

"TED talks enable new thinking to be presented in very accessible ways. Ideas can be distributed beyond the sanctum of coveted journals and academic conferences. TED talks offer something both accessible and thoughtful to a world that needs something more than 140 character opinions," says Professor Ings.

TEDx Auckland speakers
Today’s announcement completes the list of 17 speakers who will talk on diverse topics at the 3 August event:  musician Richard Nunns, Professor of Design at AUT Welby Ings, filmmaker Joseph Michael, founder of Wiki New Zealand Lillian Grace, cosmetic dentist and author Dr Hisham Abdalla, corporate communications expert Brian Sweeney, former prime minister Helen Clark, founder of the Live More Awesome charity Jimi Hunt, founder of Ooooby Peter Russell, brain researcher Richard Faull, furniture and lighting designer David Trubridge, documentary maker Robyn Paterson, ecostore founder Malcolm Rands, poet Grace Taylor, chef and author Robert Oliver, Mayor of Otarahanga Dale Williams and educational entrepreneur Sophie Tamati.

Each of the TEDx Auckland speakers are profiled on the TEDx Auckland website

TEDx and AUT - shared values
AUT University is a proud sponsor of TEDx Auckland 2013.

"As the University for the Changing World, AUT is committed to starting, and continuing, conversations that explore the world we live in now and the world we want to live in.  That means the TEDx brand is a great match for us," says Georgina Hammond, AUT's Director of Brand Experience.

AUT academic staff will be based at AUT's TEDx stand on the day, aiming to give attendees extra food for thought, using academic expertise to take discussions and debates in new and interesting directions.

TEDx tickets are available for purchase from The Edge.

As part of its sponsorship, AUT is giving passes to TEDx via its social media channels.  To find out more about AUT's TEDx campaign, visit AUT's TEDx site.