AUT name first Emeritus Vice Chancellor: celebrating an extraordinary career and unique contribution to AUT University

10 Dec, 2014
AUT name first Emeritus Vice Chancellor: celebrating an extraordinary career and unique contribution to AUT University
Emeritus Vice Chancellor Dr John Hinchcliff

In a New Zealand first, AUT University’s Council has made Dr John Hinchcliff the first ever Emeritus Vice Chancellor of AUT University. Being granted the title of Emeritus Vice Chancellor means that Dr Hinchcliff will always be remembered for his significant contribution to the university.

The announcement was made at a special alumni dinner held at AUT, by AUT’s Vice Chancellor Derek McCormack and Chancellor John Maasland to a surprised and overwhelmed Dr Hinchcliff.

Vice Chancellor of AUT University Derek McCormack says Hinchcliff’s contribution is simply outstanding. “His vision, his leadership and his passion were pivotal in the Auckland Institute of Technology becoming Auckland University of Technology.”

Dr Hinchcliff was the first Vice Chancellor of Auckland University of Technology when Auckland Institute of Technology (AIT) became a university in 2000. His vision, leadership and passion lead this monumental change.

Dr Hinchcliff has made a singular contribution to the history of AUT. It was him who instituted faculties and deans, changed ‘tutors’ to ‘lecturers’ and convinced the government of the day to allow AIT the right to grant degrees for courses that warranted them. This inevitably set AUT on the path to becoming a university.

He is known as a philosopher, reverend, writer, peace campaigner, academic, and an advocate for values and ethics in education. Dr Hinchcliff is an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to education and has edited many books in the fields of professional ethics, nuclear disarmament, sport, philosophy and religion. AUT is proud have Dr John Hinchcliff as the very first Emeritus Vice Chancellor of AUT University.