AUT congratulates Andy Ballard

03 Jul, 2014
AUT congratulates Andy Ballard
AUT Senior Lecturer Andy Ballard

AUT University is proud to congratulate Andy Ballard, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Business and Law on being awarded one of New Zealand’s finest tertiary teachers in the 2014 Tertiary Teaching Awards. 

The Tertiary Teaching Excellence Awards celebrates New Zealand’s finest tertiary teachers - as recognised by their organisations, colleagues, learners and broader communities.

The awards were jointly hosted by the Minister for Tertiary Education, Hon Steven Joyce, and Dr Cam Calder, Chairperson of the Education and Science Committee.  Ako Aotearoa – The National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence, administers the awards.  The Centre aims to recognise and celebrate excellence in tertiary teaching and share good practice that has proven beneficial for learners.

AUT Vice Chancellor Derek McCormack said, “In essence, a university is its teaching and research. Teaching and research inspire our students, promotes curiosity and new discovery, and ultimately delivers knowledge, expertise, and creativity to the wider communities we serve in business, industry, our society and beyond. Andy is an inspiring tutor who encourages his students to achieve academic excellence and I am proud to have him working for us here at AUT.”

This award builds on Andy’s success in 2013, being awarded a Vice Chancellors Academic Excellence Award in Teaching and a Faculty of Business and Law Excellence Award in Teaching.

When asked to comment on his success Andy said “I’m elated to have been granted such a prestigious award. I would surely never have been successful without the extensive support of my many managers, colleagues and most importantly my students. It’s incredibly humbling to be recognised for doing something I love.”

AUT would also like to congratulate all of the others winners on their successes in the awards.