Science and technology news

AUT hosts 10th CS4HS conference

AUT hosts 10th CS4HS conference

29 Nov, 2022
The Computer Science for High Schools (CS4HS) conference introduces fun new ways of teaching STEM subjects at secondary schools across Aotearoa.
Robot turtles for ocean conservation

Robot turtles for ocean conservation

02 Nov, 2022
Great Barrier Reef research brings AUT scientists a step closer in the development of a drone turtle that will monitor biodiversity in our oceans.
First AUT STEM Camp a success

First AUT STEM Camp a success

19 Oct, 2022
The three-day camp aimed to empower Māori high school students through science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Can cities plant away climate emissions?

Can cities plant away climate emissions?

28 Sep, 2022
In the real world, David Hall argues, this is not feasible, fair or future-proofed for cities to just plant their way out of climate change.
$8m boost for AUT engineering research

$8m boost for AUT engineering research

15 Sep, 2022
A funding injection of more than $8 million will boost Auckland University of Technology research into eliminating earthquake damage in buildings.
Revolutionising quake-resistant building

Revolutionising quake-resistant building

26 Aug, 2022
An innovation by NZ academics will change the way buildings are constructed, and how they perform in earthquakes, writes AUT’s Dr Shahab Ramhormozian.
Win for construction engineering grad

Win for construction engineering grad

24 Aug, 2022
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) graduate Hayley Ngo has been recognised by the National Association of Women in Construction NZ.
Machine learning to help the homeless

Machine learning to help the homeless

16 Aug, 2022
Plenty of interest is being shown in AUT’s use of machine learning that reduces issues of systemic racism when housing the homeless.
ECMS launches new research framework

A bold new research framework for ECMS

28 Jul, 2022
The School of Engineering, Computer Science & Mathematics’ vision is to produce industry and future-ready graduates for a globally connected world.
Does digitalisation deliver or divide?

Does going digital deliver or divide?

21 Jul, 2022
New AUT research examines whether digital transformation delivers on its promises or reinforces social inequities and divides.
