Culture and society news

Graduates at heart of futuristic play

Graduates at heart of futuristic play

19 Jun, 2023
Two talented AUT graduates are at the heart of an exciting new futuristic play, Basmati Bitch.
Did wokeness cancel Police Ten 7?

Did 'wokeness' cancel Police Ten 7?

02 Jun, 2023
Police Ten 7 portrayed Māori and Pacific Islanders as more violent than police statistics show, a new study suggests.
Sports and language revitalisation

Sports and language revitalisation

24 May, 2023
AUT research shows that Māori and Pacific sports stars are helping revitalise vulnerable languages, with a genuine surge of language use in elite sport.
Seabed mining around Aotearoa

Seabed mining around Aotearoa

16 May, 2023
A select committee will consider the risks and benefits of seabed mining in NZ waters. AUT Law Professor Paul Myburgh examines the issues at hand.
New curator joins ST PAUL St Gallery

New curator joins ST PAUL St Gallery

10 May, 2023
Stephen Cleland appointed curator and manager of AUT School of Art and Design’s ST PAUL St Gallery.
Auckland wins 7 Experiences Summit

Auckland wins 7 Experiences Summit

09 May, 2023
Hundreds of academics and professionals are expected to converge on Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland for the fourth annual 7 Experiences Summit.
Visiting Ben Shemen at Doc Edge Festival

Visiting Ben Shemen at Doc Edge Festival

04 May, 2023
The animated documentary was created by Associate Professor Miriam Harris, with help from three AUT graduate students.
AUT fashion raises money for hospice

AUT fashion raises money for hospice

01 May, 2023
More than forty unique fashion pieces crafted from secondhand clothing by AUT School of Art & Design students will be on the catwalk this week.
Radio essential for social connections

Radio essential for social connections

26 Apr, 2023
Recent research by Dr Amber Hammill for her PhD at AUT’s School of Communication Studies, reaffirms the importance of radio as a crucial public utility.
Podcasts offer deep audience connection

Podcasts offer deep audience connection

26 Apr, 2023
The New Zealand Podcasting Summit, being held at AUT’s city campus on Saturday 13 May, showcases the breadth of podcasts being made in New Zealand.
