Culture and society news

NZ law schools embed, teach bijural law

NZ law schools embed, teach bijural law

08 Nov, 2023
AUT Law School and all NZ law schools are working to ensure the tertiary law curriculum reflects a legal system that is bicultural, bilingual, and bijural.
Indigenous knowledge for climate change

Indigenous knowledge for climate change

08 Nov, 2023
A new podcast features AUT research into nature-based solutions to climate change rooted in indigenous knowledges.
AUT students tackle food insecurity

AUT students tackle food insecurity

06 Nov, 2023
With Healthy Families South Auckland and The Southern Initiative, Bachelor of Design students seek to improve food security and sovereignty in communities.
NZ workplace rules will change again

NZ workplace rules will change again

31 Oct, 2023
Whether you are a worker or an employer, the office or factory floor is likely to move under your feet over the next three years.
AUT chef students cook for charity

AUT chef students cook for charity

17 Oct, 2023
AUT’s culinary arts students had the very special opportunity recently to prepare a delicious three-course meal for 150 guests at a charity gala dinner.
Study while working part-time in Spain

Study while working part-time in Spain

17 Oct, 2023
A new online course allows students to continue their degree and have an overseas experience while working in Spain.
Building cultural understanding

Building cultural understanding

12 Oct, 2023
With societies becoming more diverse, the risk of intercultural misunderstanding is very real.
LASFF film festival growing each year

LASFF film festival growing each year

11 Oct, 2023
More than 1000 theatregoers attended the 2023 Latin America & Spain Film Festival (LASFF) at AUT.
Text messages and sexual assault cases

Text messages and sexual assault cases

03 Oct, 2023
Are digital communications, such as texts or WhatsApp messages, useful evidence in trials for serious crime? Paulette Benton-Greig examines the issue.
Can meditation affect social media use?

Can meditation affect social media use?

28 Sep, 2023
Mindfulness is known to alter our behaviours and responses in the real world, but can it also shape how we use social media? A new study investigates.
