Culture and society news

Why NZ needs an Empty Homes tax

Why NZ needs an Empty Homes tax

11 Sep, 2023
New AUT research shows that taxing empty homes could become a source of substantial revenue for the government.
Voters’ rocky road in democracy

Voters’ rocky road in democracy

05 Sep, 2023
Professor Paul Moon reflects on democracy in New Zealand, and our ever-changing role in shaping the country.
Tonga Language Week 2023

Tonga Language Week 2023

05 Sep, 2023
An AUT alumnus talks about the importance of sustaining culture through language, as part of Tonga Language Week 2023.
Cellphone ban might be a distraction

Cellphone ban might be a distraction

21 Aug, 2023
Research suggests a blanket ban on cellphones in schools would make only a small difference to grades
AUT finalists at Best Awards 2023

AUT finalists at Best Awards 2023

18 Aug, 2023
Seventy-three AUT student finalists at the 2023 Best Awards, the Design Institute of New Zealand’s annual showcase of excellence.
Complexities of Dickason case explained

Complexities of Dickason case explained

17 Aug, 2023
AUT Law School Professor Kris Gledhill unpacks the complexities of the Lauren Dickason case and explains what is likely to happen next.
Reframing the crime debate

Reframing the crime debate

14 Aug, 2023
Criminology Lecturer Grace Gordon provides an expert opinion on crime ahead of the election.
Te Tiriti for the benefit of all

Te Tiriti for the benefit of all

03 Aug, 2023
A culture that views Te Tiriti o Waitangi as an opportunity to prosper as a university, is the vision behind AUT’s new Te Aronui Te Tiriti Framework.
What does infanticide mean in NZ law?

What does infanticide mean in NZ law?

01 Aug, 2023
Lawyers are fussy about language because it is their job to argue about its implications. The jury in the Lauren Dickason trial faces a complex task.
Brand activism requires bravery

Brand activism requires bravery

18 Jul, 2023
Recently some UK not-for-profits have shifted towards activism-driven campaigns. This shift could mean changes to how they are perceived.
