Culture and society news

AUT at Best Awards 2022

AUT at Best Awards 2022

11 Oct, 2022
AUT Art and Design students and staff have won a total of 29 awards at the Design Institute of New Zealand’s 2022 Best Awards.
Best Director nomination for AUT alumna

Best Director nomination for AUT alumna

06 Oct, 2022
Master of Communication Studies alumna Lina Tianyue Hu has been nominated in the best director category of the ‘Show Me Shorts’ short film competition.
Programme inspires students to study law

Programme inspires students to study law

04 Oct, 2022
AUT hosted students from lower decile schools as part of Te Kuhunga, a programme built to inspire and support students to study law at university.
Share the Elevator

Share the Elevator

04 Oct, 2022
A new podcast shines a bright light on the inequities and challenges experienced by young women of colour starting their careers in Aotearoa.
Taking care seriously in education

Taking care seriously in education

29 Sep, 2022
The government is in year three of a 10-year plan to build a ‘planned and coherent’ education ecosystem – but it has failed to make any tangible progress.
Law School scholars, supporters honoured

Law School scholars, supporters honoured

29 Sep, 2022
An evening of excitement and excellence – those words aptly describe the recent 2022 AUT Law Awards, an annual event that recognises our top law scholars.
2022 Pat Hanly Creativity Awards

2022 Pat Hanly Creativity Awards

28 Sep, 2022
On 8 September Auckland Art Gallery Toi O Tamaki hosted to the 2022 Pat Hanly Creativity Awards, recognizing 89 talented students from 47 secondary schools
Artwork responds to climate crisis

Artwork responds to climate crisis

23 Sep, 2022
Combining matauranga Māori and western science, an online artwork tracks the decline of Haupapa Tasman Glacier.
The city as laboratory

The city as laboratory

20 Sep, 2022
Learning about urban recovery and transformation in post-quake Christchurch.
Being radical in time of climate crisis

Being radical in time of climate crisis

20 Sep, 2022
AUT Law School hosted a public lecture by Environmental Law Professor Liz Fisher, a distinguished legal academic from Oxford University.
