What’s in a name ‘Moana’?

28 Jun, 2019
What’s in a name ‘Moana’?
"Salty Blood and Tears" Ocean stories talanoa discussion hosted by AUT Art and Design Vā Moana Research Cluster

AUT Art and Design Vā Moana research cluster hosted a talanoa discussion about ‘Moana’ as a term for modern day Oceania.

The talanoa discussion ‘Salty Blood and Tears’: Ocean Stories brought together several renowned scholars around the world including Dr Albert Refiti (AUT Art and Design), Ty Kāwika Tengan (University of Hawai'i, Mānoa), Julia Mage'au Gray (Mekeo Artist), Vincente Diaz (University of Minnesota), Rosanna Raymond (AUT, Moana Artist), Tēvita O Kā'ili (Brigham Young University, Hawai'i) and Lana Lopesi (AUT, Moana Artist).

The panel talked about whether ‘Moana’ should replace ‘Oceania’, and about the ocean as a placemaker, connector and catalyst for modern day Pacific and Melanesian identities and relationships.

The discussion also touched on new Pacific thinking built on early Pacific academia developed by writers such as Albert Wendt and Epeli Hauʻofa.

Read more about the event here: What’s in a name? Pacific scholars back Moana over Oceania

Opening the session with a kava circle
Opening the session with a kava circle

Vincente M Diaz from University of Minnesota
Vincente M Diaz from University of Minnesota

Tēvita Ka'ili from Brigham Young University Hawaii
Tēvita Ka'ili from Brigham Young University Hawaii

Lana Lopesi, AUT PhD candidate
Lana Lopesi, AUT PhD candidate

Rosanna Raymond, Artist and AUT Master of Philosophy student
Rosanna Raymond, Artist and AUT Master of Philosophy student