Amazing experiences and great memories

From camping, hiking and stargazing to hanging out with friends, Natasha Kouznetsova Jørgensen from Aarhus University made the most of her Study Abroad semester.

Natasha Kouznetsova Jørgensen

Natasha Kouznetsova Jørgensen

Why I chose to come to AUT in New Zealand:

I wish I had a profound reason to why New Zealand and why AUT specifically, but the truth is that it was pure randomness and gut feeling. I always knew I wanted to do a semester abroad, and I just had a feeling about New Zealand – and I’m so happy that I went with that feeling!

What I enjoyed most about spending a semester in New Zealand:

The people. The nature and all the activities I’ve done are a close second, but it wouldn’t have been the same without the friends I’ve made. I got to see and do so many awesome things, big and small, like going on spontaneous trips to Piha, playing bingo, stargazing in Raglan, hiking as many trails as possible, having movie nights and sleepovers, scouting for glimpses of the Southern Lights at Mount Eden, hitting PR’s at the AUT gym, going on ice cream runs, and having family dinners and much more with what have become some of my best friends.

How I found learning in a different academic system:

It was very interesting to experience a different academic approach. The academic system was very different from what I was used to, and it took some adjustment in the beginning. I’m not great at studying alone in my room, so going to the library, having study dates with others or just at home in the living room helped a lot.

I’d also recommend talking to your lecturer about your assignments and what is expected from you as early in the process as possible. That way, you get an idea of the format straight away and you can ask follow-up questions about the content as you go. And make sure you know what kind of support you can get, in case you need it. The people at the Student Hub are very kind and are always there for you if you have any questions.

What I gained from my time in Auckland:

Lots of friends around the world (good excuse to travel more!), new perspectives, insights to the creative world, amazing experiences and great memories.

Top tips for other students

  1. Living in the student accommodation is more or less a guarantee to make friends! My flatmates have become some of the best friends I’ve ever had
  2. Use the free facilities like the recreation centre, join the AUT gym, and keep an eye out for cool gigs and events around town or at
  3. If AUT runs a Study Abroad/exchange semester meet-up, don’t skip this meeting. It’s a perfect place to meet likeminded people with the same interest in making new friends and go on adventures outside of Auckland
  4. When you’re there, create one big Study Abroad WhatsApp group
  5. Go yolo rather than solo, it’s the best way to avoid fomo. But remember your mojo and don’t compromise your flow yo! Jokes aside, say yes to as many things as possible and as you feel like, but remember to take some time just for yourself
  6. Make friends with someone who has a car. Okay, maybe don’t base your friendships solely on that, but knowing people with a car does give you more freedom. But a weekend getaway can still be done pretty cheap if you’re 4 to 5people to split the cost. And whenever you do have a car, go shopping at Pak’nSave
  7. To my fellow European friends: use Revolut. That way, you can avoid most fees from your bank back at home
  8. If you know you want to go camping and you have space for it, consider bringing your camping gear from back home (and maybe even a tent if you’re a minimalist packer)
  9. It’s a boring one, but set money aside before you go. And set more aside than you think you’ll need – it’s nicer to have some extra to splurge than having to tighten your belt later on
  10. Things not to miss in Auckland: the Saturday markets at Britomart are quite cute and do a field trip to Devonport! When you can, take every opportunity to get out of the city
Nz wildlife
Group selfie on boat
Snowy mountain ranges
Person atop of snowy mountain
Auckland CBD Skytower

About Natasha and her Study Abroad experience

Home university:
Aarhus University

Home country:

Courses studied at AUT:
Design Thinking, Emergent Origins, Creative Entrepreneurship, Human-Centred Design

5 favourite things

Favourite place in Auckland:
Ponsonby is a vibe! Cute during daytime and great for socialising and nightlife in the evening. I also enjoyed going for a walk in Silo Park or the Domain

Best dish/food I tried:
Hokey Pokey ice cream

Most useful thing I packed to take with me:
My thermals! I underestimated how cold it would get during winter and don’t know what I would have done without them on our camping trips. Bring a pair of woollen socks too if you’re planning on camping

Favourite thing about AUT:
All the creative facilities available for student use. And how sweet and helpful all the technicians are even though they have a lot on their plate and you come in for the 7th time asking a question about your project

Best trip I took outside of Auckland:
It’s impossible to choose, but if I really have to, then I’d say the Coromandel. Or my very first trip in New Zealand where I hitchhiked to Cape Reinga with my flatmates in the first week we met