Check before you come to New Zealand

Have you got a valid student visa? Is your insurance plan in place? Find more about what you need to do before you can travel to New Zealand to start your studies as an international student at AUT.

International students: see how we support you

We want your time as an international student at AUT to be a great experience. Learn more about starting your life as an international student in Auckland and find out how AUT will support you throughout your studies.

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Students at AUT

NauMai NZ government website

The NauMai NZ website has information for international students in New Zealand. ‘Nau mai’ is a Māori phrase of invitation and welcome.


Immigration New Zealand website

Visit the Immigration New Zealand website for more information for international students who want to come to New Zealand to study.


International fees and payment options

Find out more about fees for international students and how to pay for your studies at AUT:


AUT's accommodation buildings
Jason Mann Photography

AUT accommodation is a great option for international students. It's modern and convenient – live just minutes away from our City or North campuses.
