If you are thinking about studying with us as an international student and need more information about our programmes or assistance with a question:
Complete the international enquiry form
Or call us on +64 9 921 9099
Thinking about studying at AUT and wondering what your options are? Looking to change or start a new career and want some guidance? Our team of future student advisors are here to help.
Meet us to discuss your study options
AUT International
Auckland University of Technology
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
You can make an enquiry through our website:
Complete the international enquiry form
Or you can call us on +64 9 921 9099
In addition, AUT has a network of agents around the world who can provide information about AUT programmes and New Zealand government regulations.
Contact an international agent
Contact the Graduate Research School:
Email doctoral.and.mphil.admissions@aut.ac.nz