All international students enrolled at Auckland University of Technology (AUT) must hold an acceptable insurance policy as a condition of their study visa for the period of enrolment until the expiry of their student visa. Your policy must meet the requirements outlined in The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 (the Code).
When you are ready to accept your offer of place and pay your fees, we recommend that you arrange for your insurance cover. You can choose one of the following:
AUT has appointed insurance brokers Marsh Limited to manage our Studentsafe Inbound University policy, which is insured by Allianz.
Full-year students pay an annual premium, and part-year students pay a proportion of the annual premium. The premium is paid to AUT and it may change from year to year.
Your AUT Studentsafe policy number is your AUT Student ID. When you pay the insurance premium as a new international student, your payment acknowledgement indicates the amount and period of cover. Note: Returning students will be provided an invoice for the duration of their enrolments.
AUT advises Allianz (Studentsafe insurance provider) to issue a record of cover electronically within 30 days after commencement of your programme.
The Studentsafe Inbound University policy does not automatically cover pre-existing medical conditions. A pre-existing medical condition is a medical or physical condition that you had before you enrolled in the plan and can extend to pre-existing medical condition(s) you were aware of but did not seek treatment for.
Cover can be arranged in certain circumstances by completing a medical assessment form. An additional premium will be charged if we agree to provide cover.
Download a Medical Assessment Form [PDF, 234.3 KB]
You can apply for cover for your spouse and any dependent children who are travelling with you to New Zealand for the duration of your study.
If you don't have insurance cover for your family, all medical expenses including hospital treatment will be at your own cost.
Make sure you read the policy wording in full before applying to ensure it will meet your needs.
This family cover must coincide with the enrolment dates of your study.
Studentsafe Family Member Form [PDF, 236.5 KB]
If you purchase an alternative insurance policy from a provider on the approved list, make sure the insurance cover is for the length of your student visa, and your insurance covers your time studying in, and travelling to and from New Zealand.
If you choose your own insurance provider, you need to scan and email proof of your approved insurance policy (in English) no later than the Friday before you start your study at AUT. Email it to: or provide it to the Student Hub.
If you are unable to provide evidence of an approved policy that covers your travel to New Zealand until the end date of your visa, you will be invoiced for the AUT Studentsafe Inbound University policy.
Studentsafe Inbound University policy on InsurancesafeNZ website.
To be reimbursed for expenses on an insurance claim, you fill in a Studentsafe claim form online.