Ngā hua a Tāne-te-wānanga: Māori Research Symposium

Date: Tuesday 10 Sep, 9am - 2pm
Location: AUT City Campus
WG Building, WG308
New Zealand
Ngā hua a Tāne-te-wānanga: Māori Research Symposium 09/10/2024 09:00 09/10/2024 14:00 Nau mai, haere mai, tahuti mai, tautoko mai ki tēnei huihuinga o ngā kairangahau Māori ki AUT!This Māori Research Symposium brings together the AUT Māori resear AUT City Campus, WG Building, WG308, Auckland , New Zealand
Open to AUT staff and research students

Nau mai, haere mai, tahuti mai, tautoko mai ki tēnei huihuinga o ngā kairangahau Māori ki AUT!

This Māori Research Symposium brings together the AUT Māori research whānau, from experienced and seasoned researchers to new and emerging researchers, and not to forget our postgraduate students who are on their academic journeys as well.

Collectively they will share their research weaving together the fibres of indigenous research methodologies, interdisciplinary research and innovative thinking creating an intricate whāriki and showing how Māori research can be impactful and make a significant contribution to Aotearoa New Zealand.

We ask you to join us and make this a celebration of Māori research at AUT. Refreshments will be served and the event will also be livestreamed.

This event is open to AUT staff and research students.

Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, kia ora ai te iwi
With your basket and my basket everyone will flourish/benefit/thrive, (all will be well)