9th AUT Mathematical Modelling and Analytics Symposium - December 2024

Date: Tuesday 3 Dec, 9am - Wednesday 4 Dec, 6pm
Location: AUT City Campus
WF Building, WF710 and WF711
42 Wakefield Street
Auckland CBD
New Zealand
Contact: msrg@aut.ac.nz
9th AUT Mathematical Modelling and Analytics Symposium - December 2024 12/03/2024 09:00 12/04/2024 18:00 The Mathematical Modelling and Analytics Research Centre (MMARC) and the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Auckland University of Technology are hosting a AUT City Campus, WF Building, WF710 and WF711, 42 Wakefield Street, Auckland CBD , New Zealand

The Mathematical Modelling and Analytics Research Centre (MMARC) and the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Auckland University of Technology are hosting a symposium on Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4 of December 2024.

Invited speakers

The following invited speakers have been confirmed:

  • Wai Keung Li, The Education University of Hong Kong.
  • Eric Ulm, Victoria University of Wellington.
  • Roslyn Hickson, James Cook University.
  • Rodelyn Jacksons, Whānau Āwhina Plunket

Contributed talks

We welcome contributed talks (20 minutes) from the mathematical modelling and analytics community. Submit your abstract of up to 250 words by Friday 15 November 2024.


  • Statistical programming
  • Statistical methodology
  • Stochastic modelling
  • Data science
  • Computational and mathematical modelling
  • Financial analytics
  • Financial mathematics
  • Decision analysis
  • Operations Research

Click here to submit an abstract


Click here to register

Registration is free of charge and will close on Sunday 24 November 2024.

Symposium dinner

To be held at the Four Seasons Restaurant, located on the AUT City Campus, on Tuesday 3 December from 6pm. The dinner is free of charge for registered participants. More information will be provided soon.

Organising committee

  • Jiling Cao
  • Catherine Hassell Sweatman
  • Nuttanan Wichitaksorn
  • Patricio Maturana Russel
  • Ryan Ip
  • Wenjun Zhang
  • Victor Miranda

Useful links