2022 Accounting for Social Impact Case Competition
2022 Accounting for Social Impact Case Competition
11/17/2022 09:00
11/17/2022 16:00
The Accounting for Social Impact Research Group at Auckland University of Technology (AUT) is hosting the 2022 Accounting for Social Impact Case Competition onl
Online, Auckland , New Zealand
The Accounting for Social Impact Research Group at Auckland University of Technology (AUT) is hosting the 2022 Accounting for Social Impact Case Competition online Thursday, 17 November 2022. The event aims to promote students’ understanding of how accounting technologies and practices can be used to develop innovative solutions to address real-world problems.
As this is an online event and due to local time differences we are primarily focused on attracting both Teams and Audience from universities across New Zealand; Australia; and the Pacific Islands. However, students from other universities around the globe are also welcomed to enter a team and submit a case or simply be in the audience in the online event.
How to register a team or attend as an audience member
Use the register button and follow the instructions on the eventbrite page.
Explore key social issues and build awareness of the social impact of accounting
Teams are encouraged to
- Explore key social issues of interest
- Identify roles of accounting in understanding the issues and achieving social impact
- Suggest innovative solutions to address social issues
From the submissions received, the top-rated cases will be invited to make an online presentation before a panel of judges on Thursday, 17 November.
Participation in the event encourages students to enhance their appreciation of the social impact of accounting in organisations and society; develop a range of personal and business skills (critical thinking, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills); and develop networks with fellow students and community groups.
The panel of judges is comprised of representatives from the accounting profession, including academics and practitioners. The panel will judge the submissions and the online presentations. Representatives from several key societal stakeholder groups will also attend the online event.
Submitting a case
- Students who are currently studying at a university are invited to participate in the competition in teams of 2-3 members. An individual team can consist of current students from the same or different universities across any programme (that is, undergraduate and postgraduate).
- Case examples have been developed by academic members of the Accounting for Social Impact Research Group, Auckland University of Technology. Teams may choose to solve one of the examples. Download case examples.
- Teams are encouraged to use secondary and/or primary data to find solutions to the case examples. If primary data (for example, internal organisational documents, personal experience) are used, please note that you, the students, are responsible for securing appropriate consent/approval from related individuals/organisations and acquiring ethical approval from your university.
- Each case is submitted as a written report with a limit of 5,000 words (excluding references, tables, figures, and appendices). For ease of reading, 1.5 line spacing and Times New Roman in a 12-point font are recommended. Submit reports to accounting.socialimpact@aut.ac.nz
Key dates
- 30 September 2022 – Team registration deadline
- 13 October 2022 – Case submission deadline
- 1 November 2022 – Students will be informed of the decision
- 16 November 2022 – Audience registration deadline
- 17 November 2022 – Social Impact Accounting Case Competition event
- The first-place winner: NZD600
- The second-place winner: NZD500
- The third-place winner: NZD400
- The overall winner of the innovation award: NZD400
- Each non-place winning finalist team: NZD100
Conference organisers
- Dr Syrus Islam
- Dr Nirupika Liyanapathirana
- Dr Zahir Ahmed
The 2022 Accounting for Social Impact Case Competition is proudly sponsored by ACCA, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, and MYOB.