Environmental Science Degree - Bachelor of Science

Study the Environmental Science major in the Bachelor of Science and become an environmental problem solver, with an in-depth understanding of the science that supports healthy water, air, soils and ecosystems.

The Environmental Science major will immerse you in the science of environmental problem solving. Our courses are designed to give you a well-rounded degree, and cover environmental science concepts, scientific data interpretation and communication, and environmental management and policy. There's an emphasis on essential ‘hands-on’ skills, with multiple field trips and practical lab sessions each year.

As an environmental science student, you explore the ‘total environment’ and become familiar with the scientific principles to investigate, understand and manage ecosystems - and where and how humans fit in. This understanding is essential to protect Aotearoa New Zealand’s unique natural environment, and is an excellent foundation for many rewarding careers.

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This is part of the Bachelor of Science.

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The Environmental Science major covers the structure and functions of ecosystems and the role of humans as a key driver of environmental condition and change at global, regional, and local scales. You’ll develop a sound understanding of environmental science, as well as practical field and laboratory skills, combined with data analysis.

Apart from the courses below you also need to complete courses from your second major, your chosen minor(s) or electives.*

*Depending on your chosen combination of majors and minors it may take you longer than three years to complete your degree.

Core courses

All Bachelor of Science students need to complete core courses that help you develop transferable skills and support your work in all other courses in the degree.

Choose one of:

And choose one natural sciences course

And one mathematical and computer sciences course

^Not offered in 2025
*Only available to students in the Analytics and Mathematical Modelling and Computation majors
#Please note that this course is designed for students with chemistry knowledge from high school. If you're unsure about your level of knowledge, you can take an optional pre-test here.

And one course from either the natural sciences or mathematical and computer science courses above.

Complete the following course:

And one of:

In Year 3, you complete a project in an area related to your major. This project gives you an important competitive edge for your career, and is good preparation for postgraduate study.

Courses you complete for this project:

Environmental science major courses

If you're majoring in environmental science, this is the main subject area you specialise in. It makes up one third of your degree and consists of eight environmental science-related courses you study throughout your degree.

Year 1 courses

Year 2 courses

Year 3 courses

Ready to enrol in your courses?

Find out how you can enrol in the courses and classes for your programme, whether you’ve just joined AUT as a new student or you’re already studying with us. If you’re looking for a course timetable or more info on a specific course use our course search.

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Use our online tool to build your own degree and see what your three years of study could look like.

Build your degreeBuild your degreehttps://www.aut.ac.nz/courses/bachelor-of-science/environmental-science-major

Students who started at AUT before 2023

If you started your studies at AUT before 2023, the courses you need to study to complete the requirements for your programme are a little different. Find out more about what courses you should take.

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  • Conservation organisations like the Department of Conservation
  • Environmental consultant
  • Government research and monitoring agencies
  • Local councils: Environmental, public health, and waste management and monitoring services
  • Science teacher*
  • Scientific laboratory analyst

*After completing an additional year of teacher education


Find out more about industry trends, job descriptions and what employers may be looking for.

Environmental Sciences Careers

Key features
  • Pathway to rewarding environmental careers
  • Incorporates the UN Sustainability Development Goals
  • Hands-on learning in the natural environment
  • Flexibility: tailor your degree with a second major, minor or electives of your choice
  • Complete an industry-related project in your final year
See yourself as
  • Motivated
  • Adaptable and creative
  • Practical and disciplined
  • Interested in the natural environment
Kyle Gibson
Cecilia Mimi Lay
Helena Sanderson
Shaye Va
Norrissalee Ngatai-Harbour

The information on this page was correct at time of publication. For a comprehensive overview of AUT qualifications, please refer to the Academic Calendar.