Material found on the Auckland University of Technology websites may be the property of the University, individuals within the University or a third party.
Material that the University owns the copyright for may be used in accordance with the Fair Dealing provisions in the Copyright Act 1994 for the purposes of private research and study. For all other uses please email for permission.
The Auckland University of Technology’s web pages may contain material for which the rights holder may be a third party. Third party material is identified on individual pages or material. Permission to reproduce this material must be sought from the copyright owner directly.
For third party material, a reasonable effort has been taken to contact the copyright owner.
If you are the copyright owner for material which you believe is a breach of an agreed licence or contract please notify the Copyright Advisor
The Copyright Act 1994 provides owners of original work with a monopoly to control the use and dissemination of their work, such as, but not limited to, graphs, diagrams, illustrations, images, music, video, works from the internet and digital media.
The Act permits others to copy extracts from copyright works for the purposes of research or private study. It also allows AUT to make multiple copies of extracts from copyright works, within strictly defined limits and only for Educational Purposes.
Educational Purposes is limited to the use of copyright material in the classroom or online, as part of an educational learning resource including, but not limited to, study guides, student notes, handbooks, handouts, and lecture/tutorial presentation material.
AUT is also party to several copyright licence agreements. These agreements give staff extended rights to use copyright material over and above the restrictions of the Act for Educational Purposes.
All staff and student users of copyright materials for Educational Purposes must comply with the requirements of the Copyright Act 1994 and with the terms of the licence agreements.
The rights of students and staff to use copyright material for Educational Purposes are explained at:
Staff creating and maintaining course reading lists must use Course Resources to digitise work to ensure that it is copyright complaint. Course Resources can be found at:
AUT Students and Staff may also contact the library for further guidance if the Copyright Pages do not resolve the matter. Other information relating to copyright may be obtained from the library or by contacting the Copyright Advisor