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AUT has more than 60 research centres and institutes delivering leading research. Research institutes and centres
AUT Foundation has set up the Student Support Fund as a way for our generous community to support our students. Read more
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The law is changing and so must we, says new professor
He pukapuka hou e whakaatu mai ana i te whakahemohemotanga o te reo Māori (New book charts the near-demise of te reo Māori)
Symposium on transforming south Auckland
He whakataetae tuhituhi hei whakatenatena i ngā ākonga ki te tuhi ki te reo Māori
Hertz Memorial scholarship leads to life changing experience for AUT Māori students
Veiqia Project at AUT reawakens women’s role in Fijiian society
Students benefit from 2016 Woolf Fisher First-in-Family AUT scholarship
Three universities unite to advance Pacific research
AUT makes waves at PolyFest 2016
AUT culinary team lending skills to Fiji fundraiser
Check out all the latest news from across the university.