The fight for fair pay for NZ news
Communication studies
29 Nov, 2021
The News Publishers Association is asking the commerce commission to help it negotiate fair pay for NZ news with Google and Facebook.
Public Health Champion 2021
Health sciences
26 Nov, 2021
Associate Professor Heather Came has been named this year’s Kāhui Hauora Tūmatanui Public Health Champion.
Research a step to predict ocean future
25 Nov, 2021
Research which sheds light on the response of coastal ecosystems to increased atmospheric carbon dioxide will help predict the future of coastal waters.
AUT’s first Rhodes Scholar
23 Nov, 2021
Product development engineer Monique Cooper is the first ever AUT graduate to be awarded the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship.
New scholarships discover diverse talent
Communication studies
22 Nov, 2021
AUT has partnered with Discovery NZ to launch a new scholarship, open to third-year Bachelor of Communication Studies students.