Empathy needed to reduce family violence
Health sciences
04 Dec, 2019
AUT report finds that agencies and services designed to aid wāhine Māori in unsafe relationships often contribute to their entrapment.
New school on the block
Architecture and built environment
03 Dec, 2019
At the beginning of next year, AUT will open its new School of Future Environments.
AUT helps Microsoft with te reo Māori
Te Ara Poutama: Māori and indigenous development
22 Nov, 2019
Te reo Māori is now available on Microsoft Translator, thanks in part to Te Ara Poutama, staff and students at the Auckland University of Technology.
NZ rates of in-work poverty examined
21 Nov, 2019
Research conducted by AUT’s New Zealand Work Research Institute has found more than 50,000 working households live in poverty across Aotearoa.
New accolades for most cited scientist
Health sciences
21 Nov, 2019
AUT’s Professor Valery Feigin has been elected as both a Fellow of the Royal Society Te Apārangi and a Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Siobhan Harvey scoops poetry award
Language and culture
21 Nov, 2019
The prestigious Kathleen Grattan Prize for a Sequence of Poems has this year been awarded to an AUT creative writing lecturer.