Supporting our future leaders
10 Sep, 2020
Y25 supports young women who are raising their voices, challenging the status quo and fighting for a fairer Aotearoa.
Te Wiki o te Reo Maori 2020
Te Ara Poutama: Māori and indigenous development
10 Sep, 2020
It's Māori Language Week, from September 14. Here's how to get involved at AUT.
The Facebook PM
07 Sep, 2020
Jacinda Ardern’s Facebook following is four times greater than those of the other seven main party leaders combined, writes Dr Sommer Kapitan.
Pacific language videos: Tonga
Health sciences
07 Sep, 2020
The Tonga episode in AUT’s Pacific language video series – ‘Adapting to a changing world, shaping resilient futures’ has been released.