NZ’s COVID-19 budget and climate change
Social sciences and public policy
18 May, 2020
New Zealand's COVID-19 budget delivers on one crisis, but largely leaves climate change for another day, writes Dr David Hall.
Reframe your mindset during COVID-19
Communication studies
13 May, 2020
AUT student Sharon Lee writes for the Times Higher Education website about the importance of reframing your mindset while studying during COVID-19.
Future of work explored at Techtalk
12 May, 2020
Business School lecturer Lena Waizenegger shared findings from her latest research on the first ever virtual international Techtalk.
Pacific language videos: Rotuma
11 May, 2020
To mark the start of Rotuman Language Week in Aotearoa, AUT has launched the first instalment of its Pacific Language Video series.
Was NZ’s coronavirus lockdown legal?
11 May, 2020
As New Zealand approaches the end of its strictest lockdown period, a debate has begun about whether it was legal in the first place.
Problem solving even under lock down
Creative technologies
11 May, 2020
This semester, sixty first-year students will work on a solution for an unmet need highlighted by COVID-19 in an online, co-taught studio.
Pacific language video series
Health sciences
08 May, 2020
A video series by AUT will highlight the Pacific Islands Families (PIF) Study’s work in shaping resilient futures for Pacific communities.