How to beat obesity? Leave GST in place
19 Jun, 2023
Despite calls to ditch GST from fruit and veg, there are more targeted options that can be used to help struggling families afford healthier foods.
Mānawatia a Matariki 2023 at AUT
13 Jun, 2023
The rising of Matariki heralds the start of the Māori new year - and celebrations are planned for across our university.
Holograms and AI reinvigorating music
Communication studies
13 Jun, 2023
Does digitally enhanced musical performance meet fan expectations? AUT Researchers investigate fans’ responses to ABBAtars.
Southland media feature AUT alumna
07 Jun, 2023
AUT alumna and Coastal Restoration Trust science award winner, Cassie Newman discussed her erosion research with the Southland Times and Southland Express.
Ethnic gaps explain few Māori scientists
Te Ara Poutama: Māori and indigenous development
06 Jun, 2023
That few Māori study science at school is because they are more likely to be from families with lower wealth and income, an AUT Professor says.
Did wokeness cancel Police Ten 7?
Social sciences and public policy
02 Jun, 2023
Police Ten 7 portrayed Māori and Pacific Islanders as more violent than police statistics show, a new study suggests.