Pacific language videos: Samoa
25 May, 2020
The second episode in the AUT Pacific language video series – ‘Adapting to a changing world, shaping resilient futures’ – has been released.
Professor helps on Covid testing
22 May, 2020
AUT’s Professor Fabrice Merien has been seconded to assist Roche Diagnostics New Zealand increase capacity for COVID-19 testing in New Zealand.
Review staff levels in rest homes
22 May, 2020
Policymakers, funders and aged care providers must admit that quality care in rest homes requires more staff and more time. Katherine Ravenswood explains.
COVID-19 turns retail therapy to anxiety
22 May, 2020
From retail therapy to retail anxiety: keeping customers calm will be key to carrying on post COVID-19. Our marketing experts examine the issue.
Who leads better - Women or men?
18 May, 2020
Does gender influence how good a leader you are? Does it matter if you’re a male employee working for a female leader? Professor Jarrod Haar finds out.
AUT offers medicinal cannabis course
18 May, 2020
AUT is the first university in New Zealand to offer a comprehensive postgraduate paper on medicinal cannabis from semester 2 (starting July 20).
NZ’s COVID-19 budget and climate change
Social sciences and public policy
18 May, 2020
New Zealand's COVID-19 budget delivers on one crisis, but largely leaves climate change for another day, writes Dr David Hall.
Reframe your mindset during COVID-19
Communication studies
13 May, 2020
AUT student Sharon Lee writes for the Times Higher Education website about the importance of reframing your mindset while studying during COVID-19.