For richer, for poorer, for less risk
10 Nov, 2022
Married CEOs seem to take fewer risks with their investment decisions and are less likely to bend the rules than their unmarried counterparts.
Marsden Fund success for AUT
09 Nov, 2022
The Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences had two grants approved with total funding of $1.6 million in the 2022 round of Marsden funding.
AUT expert awarded Liley Medal
Health sciences
09 Nov, 2022
Professor Valery Feigin has been recognised for his role as lead author of the most comprehensive study of the world’s stroke burden and its risk factors.
Making sustainable practices work
03 Nov, 2022
The challenge of decarbonising requires concerted action and new approaches from governments, businesses, and individuals alike.
Calling time on the imperial lawn
02 Nov, 2022
By planting trees on third of the world’s city lawns, we could absorb 6 billion tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere over 20 years.
Robot turtles for ocean conservation
Engineering, computer and mathematical sciences
02 Nov, 2022
Great Barrier Reef research brings AUT scientists a step closer in the development of a drone turtle that will monitor biodiversity in our oceans.
Much Ado About Shakespeare
Communication studies
01 Nov, 2022
What role does Shakespeare play in New Zealand’s culture? Professor Barry King suggests a National Theatre could help in NZ's cultural identity crisis.
Punch selected for European festival
Art and design
28 Oct, 2022
The film, written and directed by Professor of Art & Design Welby Ings, has been selected in competition for the 26th Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival